• 24/7 access for you and your staff

    Access your Bookeo appointment calendar anywhere, anytime. View your appointment schedule, workshop rosters and payments. Easily set what each member of your staff can see.

  • Go mobile with your online reservation system

    View and manage your online appointment calendar from any mobile device. No need to download another app: Bookeo automatically resizes to any device screen size and shape for you and your clients.

  • Send automatic notifications and reminders

    Bookeo sends automatic booking confirmation emails to your clients. Our online scheduling software also helps you reduce costly no-shows, automatically reminding clients of their bookings – by email or TXT.

  • Streamline check-ins with arrival times

    Enhance your check-in process by displaying the suggested arrival time at your shop on the booking confirmation page following checkout, as well as in the confirmation and reminder emails.

  • Stay up to date with Email/TXT

    Keep your staff up to date with automatic email and TXT notifications so they instantly know about new, rescheduled, or cancelled appointments – even when they’re on the go.

  • Customize your appointment calendar

    Color-code your services to know at a glance what’s being booked. Set your business hours, specific schedules for staffers and appointment lengths.

  • Print detailed calendar schedule

    Easily print your appointment schedule and rosters with client details, amounts paid and still owed, plus any additional options selected during reservation. Your staff will thank you!

  • Track all reservation steps

    Get instant updates of new and rescheduled bookings, or cancellations. You can easily see when someone cancelled, rescheduled, or booked their appointments. Automatically track the use of gift vouchers, prepaid credits, and promotional discounts.

  • Track appointment attendance

    No more endless copying, checking and rechecking. Track appointment attendance, no-shows and cancellations, and easily see them in your reports.