Bookeo News
July 28, 2012
New feature – more reports!
We’re happy to introduce new and improved reports that will help you manage and analyze your business better!
Now you can access the following reports.
This is the familiar bookings report – make sure to explore its many options, including aggregation by promotion, service, resource, etc.
This is the familiar customers report, with options to filter only customers whose last and/or next appointments were in certain periods. Useful to find out who’s coming soon, or who needs a friendly reminder!
This is the familiar customers report, with options to filter only customers whose last and/or next appointments were in certain periods. Useful to find out who’s coming soon, or who needs a friendly reminder!
All new, all important! See what payments you received, for what (including prepaid package purchases, memberships, gift vouchers, anything), and by what mean (credit card, cash, PayPal, manual transfer, …).
This is invaluable for your accounting, and to reconcile your figures with your merchant account.
All new, all important! See what payments you received, for what (including prepaid package purchases, memberships, gift vouchers, anything), and by what mean (credit card, cash, PayPal, manual transfer, …).
This is invaluable for your accounting, and to reconcile your figures with your merchant account.
Coupon codes
After you’ve run a deal-of-the day promotion on GroupOn or similar, get a list of all coupon codes redeemed in a single click, with details abut the customer, the time it was redeemed, the booking it was used for… makes GroupOn integration even easier, and error-free!
After you’ve run a deal-of-the day promotion on GroupOn or similar, get a list of all coupon codes redeemed in a single click, with details abut the customer, the time it was redeemed, the booking it was used for… makes GroupOn integration even easier, and error-free!
Gift vouchers
Get a list of all gift vouchers sold, filter if used, unused or both. With this report you can quickly monitor how your gift voucher program is working, and how much credit is left out there!
Get a list of all gift vouchers sold, filter if used, unused or both. With this report you can quickly monitor how your gift voucher program is working, and how much credit is left out there!
From day one we always knew that accepting bookings is only one step in the business, and a complete solution must offer tools to manage every aspect of the business, including accounting. These reports were designed exactly with this goal in mind.
Thanks to everyone who has left comments and suggestions to improve and expand our reports!