Can you beat this ingenious use of Bookeo’s iCal feed?
Here at Bookeo HQ, we like to think we’re pretty savvy when it comes to streamlining bookings.
So we were naturally surprised to learn that our client Segway in Steyr is using Bookeo’s iCal feed in a way that never occurred to us. A truly inspired way.
What are they doing, you ask? The’ve created a super-cool Info Screen using Bookeo’s iCal Feed. It’s on display in their brick & mortar office in the city of Steyr, Austria. Now, anyone who comes in the door instantly sees a list of all upcoming tours, with times, available seats, and guide names.
They’ve even designed it to look just like an airport terminal’s Departures screen!
We’ve known for a long time that all of our clients are uncannily brainy and beautiful too. But why didn’t we think of that?
The best part of Segway in Steyr’s Info Screen is that it speeds their walk-in booking process. When customers walk into their office to see what they do or to make a booking, they immediately see a dynamic, continually updated display of upcoming tour availability.
Segway in Steyr staff no longer have to go through the upcoming schedule with each individual walk-in customer – their Info Screen instantly does it.
Now customers “get it” before they even get to the counter, and can ask for specific tours and times based on what’s shown on the Info Screen. Ingenious!
Segway in Steyr Tours says it’s been so successful that they plan to put it on their site’s home page in the near future. For now, if you’d like to see it live, go see them in Steyr, Austria, and keep an eye on their site at www.segway-in-steyr.at.
If your company’s using any of Bookeo’s features in a cool or inspired way, please let us know. We’d love to hear about it, and maybe feature your company in a blog post or in one of our client case studies. Shoot us a line anytime at marketing@bookeo.com and let us know what a Bookeo genius you are!