Deliciously Easy: Bookeo goes to Cajun Country
Getting to know you, our customers, is one of the best things about working at Bookeo.
Getting to know school administrator-turned-Cajun Food Tours owner Marie Ducote is a perfect example. She’s smart, she’s sweet, she’s southern. And she knows where to find the best gumbo this side of the Mississippi Delta.
Marie has impeccable taste in everything from big, messy po’ boys to funky transportation. Seriously, when was the last time you saw a mouthwatering bus?
And yes, she also happens to have fabulous judgment in online booking systems.
We recently caught up with Marie in Lafayette, Louisiana, because we wanted to find out what it was like to make the switch from academics to Andouille.
We also wanted to ask her how Bookeo’s been working for her burgeoning food tour business – rated #1 activity in Lafayette by TripAdvisor.
Marie says she’s thrilled with Bookeo, for a bunch of reasons. Cajun Food Tours was a hit right off the bat – and Marie realized right away that she wouldn’t be able to take bookings and credit card numbers by hand for long.
She tried a couple of other booking system online demos, but found them clunky and confusing. By contrast, as soon as she opened Bookeo, she “…realized right away how easy it was!”. Even her professional web developer was amazed.
Marie told us that Bookeo has dramatically improved her customers’ booking experience, and now she gets about 70% of her bookings online with Bookeo. Now she can focus on her customers, her tours, and her business without worrying if she’s missing a booking. Best of all, she’s found Bookeo to be far less expensive than other commission-based systems: Bookeo’s no-commission policy means she pays only one low monthly fee.
Go and see Marie next time you’re down in bayou country. Better yet, make a special trip for some of that smoky chicken and sausage jambalaya or crawfish étouffée … and don’t forget the beignets.
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